Unreal Reality

When the world is dark… when technology, Internet and chatrooms can’t make you have fun any more… when even music cannot express your feelings and is either too optimistic, or too unsuitable… when every book you read is dull, every movie unreal, every computer program too serious or too easy… when you’re busy, but still wonder what to do… when your body’s betraying you… when the weather is so awful that cold freezes you to death… when your best friend is getting on your nerves… when nobody considers what you may feel, like, think, want… when you’re in a crowded school and still feel extremely lonely… when some people communicate with you only to hurt another person and make them envious… when the boy you love hasn’t enough time to slip a smile and a ‘hello’… when you wait for hours to see the one online, but he never contacts you on his own… when nobody is concerned about you and your problems… when even work cannot help you forget about this dreadful reality because school brings you even more trouble… when your favorite teachers give you dishonest grades… when destiny works against you, but people tend to blame you for that… when you cannot find a stable place to put your feet on… when the ground is shaking and the rocks are falling down… when even poetry has left you alone with your confusing destructive thoughts… when every moment is a struggle to keep you from bursting out in tears… when you start hating no one else but yourself for this disaster… when strength has turned into cowardice and suicide is not painless… when there is nobody who wants to help you, nobody who will ever notice you need help, nobody who will give you the love and attention you need… when the world is up to going upside down… when no matter they call you a Dreamer, dreams expire… when even the only certain medicine in human life – hope and belief in yourself, is lost forever…
Then what remains?
How do you escape from this Unreal Reality?


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