
Smile. Come on, try it. It is easy.

OK, this is dreadful. I will close my eyes and you will smile. Now do it! I don't see you smiling and I don't feel it either. Smile. For me. For them. For yourself.

OK, you are a fake. Let's try another thing.

Think about your first kiss. How was it? Scary? Funny? Embarrassing? No matter what the answer is, you are smiling now. Think about the first time someone special told you they love you. Were you surprised? Were you happy? Did you forget who you are, what you were going to say, where it all happens? I feel you smiling.

The smile you give me now comes right from your heart. You remember being happy, warmth and light spread in your body until they reach your mouth. And then you smile. You are so beautiful that I feel the urge to smile too.

Never stop smiling.


  1. И ти не спирай, да се усмихваш. Твоята усмивка е заразна!

  2. Брехххххх, голем талантин си Шоколади, напра'о ни турна в малкия джоб двамата с Ванката!!! Седя си, проронвам и сълзица...бравос, многома зарадва. ;+)))

  3. Хей, Вал! Много благодаря, много ме разсмя този коментар (:


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